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Welcome to Celebrityinside.com, your number one source for complete details information about all the favorite things, family trees, and body measurements of your beloved celebrities. We’re dedicated to providing you with the most authentic information, with a focus on Quality, Accuracy, Efficiency, and totally plagiarism-free content.

Founded by a hardworking group, Celebrityinside.com has come a long way from its beginnings. When celebrityinside.com first started, its passion started from the first day of its inception that quality and authenticity is the main thing that we focus on as all the reader who came to this page could get what they are looking for so that is why in every single post you will get the quality and the authenticity. The data available on our website has been taken from the most authentic sources available over the internet like official celebrity websites and magazines but still if you find any mistake then do let us know about it.

We hope you enjoy our information as much as we enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for any improvements, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Team Celebrityinside.com


  1. Hello, 
    Please add Actor Gary Wales to you database of celebrities. I can’t believe you don’t have him on your site. 
    ThanksRegardsA crazy fan girl from Belgium 

  2. Your data on Melanie Laurent says she gave birth to her first child at 40….predictive? As your data says she was born in 1983.

  3. I’ll second that given that the site has tons for actresses from shows I watch for example DC’s Legends of Tomorrow which is going on its SIXTH season…so during that time from seasons three to five the site had the time for getting information on the actress Tala Ashe that plays as Zari. Also some information when comparing to photographs etc of recent looks seems especially the measurements seem just randomly put together…I get the team finding information…but validating it by reputable direction works.

  4. This so-called information site seriously needs a thorough overhaul; well known personalities either incomplete or missing altogether!! Try searching for one person and get result for a completely unrelated person.

    1. Author

      Thank you for your feedback. We are consistently updating our database with celebrities. It will take us some time to compile information about so many of them. As for your second question, the search tries to provide the most relevant answer to your query. so when you search a name, if its article is available or any other relevant one that includes their name it gets shown otherwise search will result in not found.


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